
Weigh-In Wedensday

Hi all!  Hope your day is going well.  Here not to bad I'm down some more YAY!!!

2.8 lbs to be exact like I said YAY!!! I think getting back into a routine has helped a lot.  Now my challenge is to stay away from the snacks we give the kids.  Ugg they are
just so good. So I went to the market and stocked up on some healthy eats that I can take and have at the the same time, like hummus and pita chips, string cheese, and grapes. 

Yesterday was a good day I stayed at work (as per my new routine) and talked one of my besties CareBear into running with me after work, then DQ and I planned on spending the night at her place.  Seeing as she lives very close to work and spending the night means "girl time" and saving on gas, not to mention sleeping in a whole extra hour WHOO-WHOO.  So I get off earlier that her and decided to run the first 2 miles solo then met back at work and together we ran another 3miles.  Normally I run alone I just prefer it that way.  Running is my ME TIME.  I put on my earbuds and block out the world,  just my tunes the pavement and some sweat.  But I actually really enjoyed running with her, we did chat a bit but then we would just stop and run in silence just enjoying each other being there with out having to interact.  lol sounds funny but it worked.  So we have a date to do the same next Tuesday.

CareBear hamming it up at the Color Run


  1. I so understand this! The main reason I run is to be alone, but there is something nice about having company and accountability, especially if it is the occasionally quiet kind.

    1. Perfectly said Kelly :) and truthfully I probably ran harder to to keep the illusion up of what an awesome runner I am lol!


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