
Smurf Shoes, Ice Cream and Crossfit

Happy Monday....wait isn't that an oxymoron?? 

Anyway, how was your weekend?  Mine was pretty cool :)  Here let me show you....

Well I guess this wasn't technically the weekend but you know what they say Thursday is the new Friday right?  Well this is what this weeks "girls night" consisted of

Ya total fun, Kindergarten style.  After gym and dinner DQ put a bunch of pillows on the floor and started jumping over them, so of course we all wanted to try it! Hmmm does this count as crossfit??

Saturday morning I dusted off my magic smurf shoes and busted out a 5k.  It's actually been about 3 weeks since I last laced up these bad boys and went running.  It was starting to feel like a chore and it took all I had to get out the door for a run.  So I decided to take a break and do other things like Body Pump, swimming, Zumba just to change it up a bit.  Saturday I woke up and actually "felt" like going for a quick run.  It felt good.  I felt good.  I ENJOYED it.  

What better way to celebrate a nice little 5k that to have ice cream!  That and it was my niece's 15th  birthday.

Then the Hubs and I enjoyed a date night.  We went to see one of our favorite bands Face to Face and Death on Wednesday.  (love that punk music) (and this picture)

and of course I finished off the weekend with a little stock up for the week.  Pretty healthy huh?
ok totally ignore that BAO I couldn't help it, it looked so yummy and TaTa & I  had come straight from the gym and mama boot camp, I was starving!


1 comment:

  1. Pillow jumping *totally* counts as Crossfit. And I love the shoes! Also, I love date nights and seeing good music, so your weekend sounds pretty amazing :)


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