
Petting Zoos and Pools

Look at DQ she is in heaven!! 

 I sent this picture to the hubs and he asked "What are those?" my response "Our new pets!" he about had a heart attack seeing as I talked him into chickens a few short weeks ago lol.  He was happy to hear that they were Guinea pigs and that none were coming home with us. (We were at a birthday party at Zoomars a petting zoo in San Juan Capistrano).

After the party we headed home to make these sinful things otherwise know as "Slutty Brownies" that evil bitch!

to take to an end of summer work pool party… and yes they love and hate me for them!

The pool party was in Canyon Lakes so I pretty much drove 200 miles in one day for parties.
but so worth it.  Sun, water and friends. 

again to many weekend snacks and those damn brownies, cause of course I had to do quality control first, then I may have had one two more that night ugh.

To try and redeem myself, I got my ass out of bed at the crack of dawn Sunday to hike the Claremont Loop with TaTa.  It was so stinking hot and muggy even at 6 in the morning, but we got it done.

and that was all before 9 am!!
The rest of the day was spent in the pool trying to stay cool and not snack.

Linking up with the Motivational Monday team, Katie and Meg


  1. The humidity this morning is the worst yet! I just want this weather crap to end, huh? Bring back our soft ocean breezes! :) (I don't dare even linger over that photo of the slutty brownies. LOL)

  2. Gwen doesn't dare to linger, and all I can think about is asking for the recipe :) Ha!!!! Looks like you are having a good time as always!!!

  3. Good for you for getting in that early morning hike!


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