
Weigh In Wednesday

Two weeks in a row, dare I say I might have found my groove again... Crap I probably just jinxed myself… But I did lose (not quite a pound this week but that's pretty normal for me after a week of a bigger loss (2+ pounds last week) .

This week what kept my streak going were just the basics.
Portion control.  I made my favorite chili Monday (I have been craving soups and chili for weeks) and instead of grabbing the huge bowl (that I could demolish and go back for more) I opted for a coffee mug perfect size about one cup and I felt satisfied instead of overly full.

I also got in a really good work out at the gym I tried a new made-up HIIT treadmill workout and it made the time go by pretty fast and I never got bored. I ran at a 5mph pace 1.5% incline for 2 songs then walked at a 3mph 5% incline for one song then a 3.5mph at a 18% incline for 2 more songs and did that 4 times.  I was drenched in sweat by the time I was done and had burned 500 calories!
photo bombed my the kiddo

and doing the thing that is the reason for my healthy lifestyle change
playing with my kidddo.  We took the bike out for a three mile ride to the park and back.  DQ did a great job keeping up on her new big girl bike and she even got me on the swings!

Linking u with WiW, Liz, and Shanna.


  1. I love the photo bomb from your kid! So stinking cute!

    Good for you! Keep pushing forward! I love your positivity!

  2. I love the photo bomb and congrats on portion control! That's the hardest part when it comes to our weight loss is portion control.

  3. Excellent job this week!

  4. Great job this week :)

  5. Way to go! I get laxy on the treadmill and don't fuss with the incline or speed. I should, It would make the time go faster!

  6. Nice HIIT, should try this once I start the treadmill in Fall! Lovely foto bomb and congrats on your weight moving downwards.

  7. Great job this week :) Love all the pictures!!! Looks like you are having fun.

  8. Awesome! I and going to try that treadmill workout!

  9. you go!! i need some motivation in my workouts, so thanks for sharing what you've been up to :)


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