
Changing it up a Bit...

Why hello stranger.... As you can see I have been MIA for a few weeks.  This new schedule has left me with very little free time at all, so of course as much as I love blogging I have to admit I love my fam a bit more as well as sleep (sorry gotta be truthful) so in stead of apologizing every few weeks I've decided that I am going to take a break.

I really want to focus on being healthy and losing the rest of this weight (and the extra 10 I've put on this year).  I also want to spend some good family time with the kiddo and hubs, and I resigned with group training so I have no extra time yikes.

I am not just vanishing though... I will be posting things on Facebook and Instagram,they are much easier and quicker and it requires much less time sometimes it's all about instant gratification. But don't worry I will not abandon it completely,  I'll be Poppin' by and posting updates, recipes and randomness :) just not as frequently or on any set schedule. 

So please follow me on Instagram and Facebook and keep up with me and keep me honest!  

Love ya, Alma 

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