
Bread, Cheese, and Vodka oh my....

I'm not gonna lie,this weekend filled with less than stellar choices...

  Drink wise, food wise... pretty much all the way around.
Actually it really wasn't all weekend, just Saturday but when I do it, I do it big so I packed all I could into that one day. 

I started off Saturday with a 7 mile run, I wasn't planning on doing that much but when Bruno Mars comes on you just have to go with it.  I swear people probably thought I was crazy running and dancing I may have even started singing at some point. Good times, but on the fly I changed it up a bit and did an out and back route but dummy me didn't bring any water or shot blocks and I normally don't eat to much before I go  so by mile 5 I was getting sluggish.  Lesson learned be prepared or at least know where a water fountain is :)

After my run I caught up on Grey's and had coffee before heading out for girls day.

That's when things got bad... it all started at Yard House with this

and got progressively worse.  I am so not a big drinker but every once in awhile...
after shopping we headed back home for more drinks and I'm pretty sure I ate a loaf of bread and a block of cheese,we also may have killed a bottle of blueberry vodka....no lie.
 Then we hit up the Casino and there may have been some nachos involved and more vodka.

Not the best choices "diet" wise.  But the great thing is I woke up with only a little regret and maybe a minor hang over damn cheese  and was right back on the wagon.  I'm a little bummed because now I probably won't hit my goal (169) for Vegas but I'm ok with that.  It was only one day and I didn't let it turn into more than that. The old me would have said eff it I'm going to Vegas might as well make this whole week a free for all.  So I consider it a win, and a damn good time :)

How were your weekend choices?


  1. Bravo girlfriend! It's so important to forgive yourself!

  2. Poor choices happen! The fact that you are getting back to it and overcoming Saturday is the best part! Enjoy your trip!

  3. Good for you!!! And yes when Bruno comes on, I actually sing out loud at the gym, yep that was me! haaaaa. Honestly bread and cheese go hand and hand really..umm sounds so good!! Glad you had fun and enjoyed yourself, that's what its all about! Have a great time in Vegas!


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