
Holiday Happenings

Hi All hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was pretty great, very calm and bright :)  let's recap
  • We got together with my Mom, TaTa, on Christmas Eve. I tried to get the whole fam together (brother and his brood, Dad and Stepmom) but it didn't quite work with everyone's schedule so we just did what we could.  Normally we open only one present this night, but we had something special for DQ that we didn't think could wait until morning. Also Grammie C and Bob stopped by to see the surprise.

  • Welcome the newest addition to the family Dobby!!!  DQ has been asking begging and pleading for a dog ever since TaTa moved to Mom's and took her pup Em with her.  we have stayed strong and said no not until she was older.  But my Mom has has been fostering this little pup and his mama for the last 2 months (she works for the Humane Society)  and DQ just fell in love and after a while so did I, not gonna lie.  Everytime we went to Mom's she would spend hours with him... So the last time we were up there I came home and talked to the hubs.  He tried to be strong but I was no match  (I always knew we weren't going to last long and we both love dogs) so it was done.

  • Christmas was a bit anti-climactic after that but it was quiet sort of Dobby whined a lot the first night so thank god we didn't try to hide him til morning.  Presents were opened and every one got what the wanted... win!  The rest of the day was spent cuddling Dobby and playing with DQ's new toys, making rubberband bracelets with the loom Santa brought and baking treats with the new Easy Bake Oven. The Hubs and I also put together the new desk for my office (my Christmas present).

  • The Hubs came down with a nasty cold the day after Christmas so he only worked Thursday and ended up staying home Friday.  The good thing about that I was able to sneak out for a run in the morning :)  I haven't really ran a whole lot the last few weeks so it took a few minutes for my legs to warm up.  My breathing was rough and it wasn't the best run I've had, but it felt good to get out there.  I also got to use my new iPod Nano TaTa and Mom got me for Christmas.  I normally use my phone but I've been having issues with the speakers not working and I have to run with music!! I just can't see how people do it with out.  That is torture for me.  After my run I stopped by Starbucks got a Skinny Latte and walked home.  I went a total of 4.65 miles (ran 3 walked the rest enjoying my coffee).

  • The weather here has been beautiful mid to upper 70's F so TaTa and I decided to go for a hike on Saturday.  We tried out a new trail.  I drive by it all the time on my way to work and have always wanted to check it out. It was really pretty but very short more of just a walking trail but it had a TON of stairs so we made the loop twice and ran the stairs two extra times.  My fitbit said I had done 48 flights of stairs!! I think I will take DQ later today to burn off some energy and because at the end of the trail there is a huge park!

  • My appointment with the surgeon is today.  I'm a little nervous, but I will be glad to finally know what is going to happen and how soon.  I'm hopping to have the surgery as soon as possible. I'm also hoping it won't be a long recovery time.  I don't want to take too much time off from work and we really can afford for me to be on disability (this girl got bills to pay!) So we'll see what happens. 


Spoke to Soon

So I spoke to soon when I said I was feeling pretty healthy.... 

Damn if I didn't get hit with a massive cold uggg. 

Then Christmas just barged right in and took over.  so much has happened and I can't even begin to sort it all out, I'm going to "borrow" Leigh's (from Poonapalooza go check her out she is pretty awesome)  format of bullet points.  I've actually really enjoyed reading her bullet point format, so I figured I would give it a try.  Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say but it's just overwhelming try to put it all together, also If you've been reading for any length of time you know that I'm no Walt Whitman  hell I can barley spell and that's with spell check .  

So here we go....

  • so yes I was sick and that has totally derailed any and all forms of exercise.  Yes I feel better now but my motivation sucks, and that goes for my eating as well.  Why do parents feel the need to bring teachers every form of pastry know to man during the holidays!  What's wrong with a little fresh fruit once in a while.

  • I had my work Christmas party a few weeks ago and rocked this little number.  Must admit I felt great, and got lots of compliments on it. I'm gonna need to definitely wear this again SOON!
  • and as far as Christmas goes I am all set I did most of my shopping on line and actually stayed under budget.  I think NOT stepping foot into an actual store helped a lot I'm a total impulse shopper kinda like my eating it never bodes well.  I have had to go out and get a few stocking stuffers but I chant to myself "they don't need anything else", "No don't pick up that stuffed pony" you get the idea.  We are trying to keep it simple and way under budget this year.  Besides DQ does not need any more toys I swear that kid has unopened presents from last year!! I kid well maybe not

  • I got a terrible call from my mom last week my Aunt had a heart attack while doing aqua aerobics and ended up in the hospital.  She had a 90% blockage and they had to put in a stint.  She is doing much better and is actually going home today.  The scary thing is she is not that old only 64 and in seemingly good health Yikes!  Here we are visiting her at the hospital.

  • Today was my first "non work" day of my two week winter break!!  I'm so happy to have a full two weeks with no plans really.  I want to do some fun things with DQ and hopefully get my house shaped up.  Also I  want to jump right back in and get moving and back on track with the eating now that all those pastries are gone.  So today we decided to visit Santa...ya that was a bust.  We got to the store 45 minutes before the Santa pictures were to start (9:15am) and they gave us the come back time of 1:00pm  uhhh I don't think so.... so instead we went and saw Frozen (very cute) and came home to decorate Gingerbread houses.  Oh and took this picture with Rudolph instead lol!



It's been a hell of a month and it's not over yet....

I know it's been about a month since my last post, sorry about that. But this month has been pretty much a shit storm. If you've been reading for a bit you might remember (back in July) when I talked about my lady lump.  No not those lumps... the lump I have near my left ovary and a slight pain if your into TMI you can read about it here... Oh and just so you now there's more of it to come.  

Any way I finally made an appointment with my actual Dr.  And she referred me to have an ultrasound.  Well went there and did that.  I swear they used very wand they had on me (see told you lots of TMI). So that turned into having to have a CT scan definitely less intrusive than the ultrasound  but a tad more scary and required me to during this nasty shizz that looked like chalk and tasted like lemon-lime milk...yup as gross as it sounds and to top it off needles too!   

So after a bit of telephone tag I finally got the results... Good news it's not an ovarian cyst, the bad news it's actually a small tumor in my abdominal wall.  So not what I was expecting to hear.  Now they have referred me to a surgeon to have it removed, then they will send it out for a biopsy to determined if it is just a mass or cancer.  

Needless to say I've gone through every emotion possible (which left me pretty drained and in no mood to blog, sorry). Right now I'm mostly positive seeing as I've had this pain for quite a while and it really hasn't got much worse and other than the random pain I've been pretty healthy and nothing else seems to be wrong.  Also I'm still keeping up with my exercising (running and lifting) and at least now I know why certain moves aka ab work hurt lol.  And eating has been ok.  I haven't really lost any weight, but on that note I haven't really gained either. I'm hovering around 170-173. 

So with all that being said this is why I've been MIA.  I can't promise that I'll have tons of posts but I WILL try to post more often and keep ya posted haha... See what I did there!

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