

Ahhh gotta love vacation. So far it has been pretty relaxing (as far as camping can be anyway). I've gotten in one run the first day, but not sure if I will get any more in ( it's suppose to be 113f today). Just a little ok, way to hot for me, but I'm making sure to be the one to take Emily (our dog) over to the dog park a few times a day, and walking the trash to the dumpster which is a bit of a walk away. Better than nothing I suppose, and I'm also trying to swim as much as possible without getting run over by any boats or getting a massive sunburn.


  1. We are of similar weight, progress, fitness, short- and long- term goals! Perhaps we shall become blogger weight-loss buddies :) I could sure use the motivation! Glad you found me so I could find you :)

  2. That sounds like a plan, I need all the motivation I can get :) and by the way just need to tell you you are freaking hilarious! Here's to a beautiful friendship :)

  3. Hi there! You just left a comment on my blog so I thought I'd check yours out. That water looks simply amazing! However, I just can't understand how anyone would ever want to go for a walk, let along a run, in 113 deg temps! I give you lots of credit for even taking the dog to the park.

    I'm also actively trying to lose weight and while I'm having some successes, I'm having more "not-so-successes". I don't want to call them failures but, that's pretty much what they are. I'm hoping this week's WI will be better.

    Have a great time on Vacay!!
    Bridgette www.itsnoneofyourfitness.com


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